Want CD to be signed by Artist?

Buy Ani's debut CD "Mercedes Emerging" featuring the award-nominated single "Live and Die"



"[Ani] Minasian exudes a husky authority and confident sex appeal that reminds some of us of Nikka Costa... [On her debut EP,] she deftly injects a contemporary appeal into her material [and] drives it home with an assured hand and voice...[Her] direct lyrics...connect perfectly."

--Music Connection magazine

"Ani has one of those extensive vocal ranges, where the lower end sounds tough and sexy while the upper notes carry a yearning emphasis. Soulful and beautiful, Ani won’t irritate you with overexposure like Shakira or annoy you with blatant commercialism like Christina Aguilera. She has more substance than the two pop princesses put together."

--Score! Music magazine


Coming Soon: Writing Workshop & New Website

Coming in July 2022 is a new writing workshop developed by Ani called "Healing History." Inspired by the Armenian Justice Movement, the workshop will address the losses and struggles left in the wake of sweeping crimes against humanity such as genocide, slavery and forced migration with a writing project to begin the process of healing and bridging cultural divides. The workshop is sponsored by DSTL Arts and will take place in Los Angeles and a recorded version will be be made available on YouTube. Stay tuned for details! Also in the works is a new artist website.

Ani Makes Professional Acting Debut

Glendale, CA.__ Since January 24th, Ani has been appearing in Vahik Pirhamzei's hilarious new play "Rafael Keru Bardeze " ("Uncle Rafael's Garden ") as the lead character's 72 year-old sister who is visiting from Armenia and looking to marry for a green card to stay in the U.S. Upcoming performances are scheduled for March 21 and 22 at the Roosevelt Middle School's auditorium. For tickets or more information, log on to www.rafaelkeri.com. Posted 3/7/09.


NEW! Ringtones for Your Mobile Phone!

Two staples of Ani's repertoire are now available as ringtones for your mobile phone! Click here to download ringtones for your phone, or MP3s for your iPod!


NEW! Listen to New Tracks on MySpace

Get a preview of the new album with the title track "All Me" on Ani's MySpace page. Also just added is the live recording of an emotional performance of the ballad "He's The One" from Ani's Seeds of Love concert. Click here to listen now!


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